Wear- and Spare Parts for Road Paving Finishers


EBEV GmbH & Co.KG is a well-known company that specializes in the production and distribution of wear parts for road construction equipment. Nearly all machine parts are manufactured at the company’s headquarters in Edewecht while adhering to the highest quality demands and using the most modern technology. The most important wear parts are kept in computer-controlled high-rack storage areas for immediate shipment by truck, ship or plane.

We carry more than 10,000 different Spare and Wear Parts on Road Paving Equipment.

For a selection of our individual components and repair kits, please see below:

Wear Parts Conveyor

Conveyor Plates

Conveyor drives

Conveyor Guide Kit

Pair of pulleys

Double bush
conveyor chains

Sprockets for
conveyor chains, etc.

Roller chains

Auger shafts and
auger flights

Auger shafts and
auger flights

Auger Extensions

Bearing brackets

Bearing covers, Seal rings, etc.

Bearing covers, Seal rings, etc.

Wearing part kits – Screeds

Screed plates

Tamper bars,
Wearing Strips

Heating Rods